Job Satisfaction Project
The Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation has partnered with the University of California Cooperative Extension on a farmworker job satisfaction project to improve the wellbeing of farmworkers by promoting equitable working conditions. The project includes a survey that allows employees to anonymously assess their work environment, providing valuable data for employers to improve work conditions with targeted strategies. This valuable data can help employers:
Engage employee participation in the survey in the following ways:
- Schedule a Visit: Schedule a time for a UCCE and FWF staff member to visit your site to share information about survey participation
- Email: Email your teams about the survey with quick-access survey links
- Print: Print the flyer and post to bulletin boards around your workplace or share it directly with managers and supervisors
Survey Details
Positive Labor Strategies for Boosting Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction Project Task ForceThank you to our wonderful task force:
Becky Barlow, Ag Health Benefits Alliance Bertha Rodriguez, Joseph Phelps Vineyards Rolando Sanchez, Walsh Vineyards Management Amielia Adams, Silverado Farming Company |
Contact for More InformationMalcolm Hobbs, UCCE, [email protected]
Jill Durfee, FWF Program Manager, Rocio Escobedo, FWF Program Coordinator, [email protected] Schedule a Site VisitIt’s understandable if team members hesitate to complete a job satisfaction survey promoted by their managers, and we’re happy to present participation on your behalf! Schedule a time for a UCCE and FWF staff member to visit your site. Deadline is August 31st.